"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew,
like showers on new grass,
like abundant rain on tender plants."

Deuteronomy 32:2

Courses of Study

To view the Course of Study for each grade level, you can click on the "Course of Study" label
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To date, I have courses of study completed for kindergarten through fourth grades.

Newsletter Articles

In 2013 the Lord started me producing a newsletter for the homeschool group we are a part of. Every other month I write an article on a topic the Lord has put on my heart. I've decided to add these articles to this blog. I hope you will find encouragement through some of my ramblings. You can click on the label "Newsletter" to find the articles.

Friday, July 2

Two and Two are Four

This book, by Carolyn Haywood, is about a family that moves from the city to the country. The Dad buys a farm, but he takes the train to the city to his job and there is an older couple (the Perkins) who work the farm. The isn't really about the farm, but about living in the country and the adventures that Teddy and Babs and the Perkins' grandchildren (Peter and Jane who come for the summer) have. The children have problems with a skunk and pigs. They go on a barge ride for the 4th of July, and they get a pony. There are a couple chapters that deal quite nicely with disobedient children, although I think I would have prefered Babs having to help clean her hat instead of it being done for her.

At the beginning of the book K. started saying, "I want to live on a farm." There are a couple chapters she really enjoyed and we have read them more than once.

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