Our first week K. made (with help) her sewing needle case. This is from Sewing is Fun. We just worked on it 30 minutes each day. K. really enjoyed making it and when she finished it she was very excited that she had made something. Yes, it looks like the first sewing project of a seven year old, but that is exactly what it is -- and that's okay.
This week we worked on crocheting. I really like the book Kids Learn to Crochet by Guy and Hall. The illustrations are drawn and large so you can really see exactly what you are supposed to do. K. learned how to make a slip knot on Monday. On Tuesday she learned the chain stitch and made five chains. It was quite frustrating. Wednesday I had her make ten, Thursday, fifteen, and twenty on Friday. She has gotten much better and is impressed with how long her chain is getting. I think I will require her to work a little on it each day so she doesn't forget how.
With just a short time spent crocheting Wednesday through Friday, we were able to do four pages in the Alfred's Basic Piano Theory Book Level 1A, so we are almost caught up to where we should be.
We were back to sewing in our third week. In the first section of Miss Patch, you make a pillow. We made the pattern, cut out the fabric, and K. got a few inches sewn. We had two park days this week, and so those days we didn't have fine arts. Thankfully I allotted the fourth week for "unfinished projects". On Monday K. took her crocheting and added about 40 stitches to her chain.
During the fourth week K. completed sewing two sides of her pillow. Now I need to discover where I hid the fluff to stuff it with!
We read pages 5 - 11 of Art Museum. We will be going to the art museum next Sunday, but we saw some paintings on display at the library yesterday and she was able to tell me which was a landscape and which was a still life. We also did another page in the piano theory book, so we are caught up to where we should be.