"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew,
like showers on new grass,
like abundant rain on tender plants."

Deuteronomy 32:2

Courses of Study

To view the Course of Study for each grade level, you can click on the "Course of Study" label
or "Search This Blog" for the specific grade level you wish to see.
To date, I have courses of study completed for kindergarten through fourth grades.

Newsletter Articles

In 2013 the Lord started me producing a newsletter for the homeschool group we are a part of. Every other month I write an article on a topic the Lord has put on my heart. I've decided to add these articles to this blog. I hope you will find encouragement through some of my ramblings. You can click on the label "Newsletter" to find the articles.

Saturday, July 7

"Off School" Review Time

Since we are taking a two week break, I decided we really needed to spend some time each day reviewing. I also wanted to continue having Bible each day, so this is what we have been doing this week:
  • Bible
    • I chose two songs from the hymnal and let K. pick one for us to sing. We have been singing Make Me a Blessing this week. It has been interesting to talk about being a blessing to other people.
    • I've continued reading Little Pilgrim's Progress (this will mess up my "master plan", but we are enjoying the book so much that we didn't want to take a break from it)
    • I let K. choose a book from our Bible Shelf for me to read
    • We reviewed Luke 2:1-15. We each took a piece of scrap paper and thought of a verse or section of the passage. Then we wrote the first letter of each word on the paper. Next, we exchanged papers and figured out the verse or section the other person and written down. As and example, verse 1 would look like this: A i c t p i t d t a d w o f C A t a t w s b r
    • We ended our Bible time with prayer.
  • Review
    • I took six strips of card stock and wrote a subject on each: Math, Writing, Reading, Grammar, Math, Reading
    • Each day K. chose a strip, then I would give her a choice of 2 games we could play for that subject.

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